domingo, 21 de outubro de 2012

TOP 5 World Mysteries

OK, maybe these aren't the greatest mysteries of all, but they certainly are quite odd. Let's check this list out:

                                                                           5. Yeti

Actually, you might know this guy by the name of "Abominable Snowman", the legendary creature which lives on the snowed mountains of Himalaya. Back in 1925, a photographer was working on an expedition, and saw a huge living thing, like a human being, walking on the snow, not so close from where the man was. That's how the reports, most taken as true, began to run around the world, scaring and arousing curiosity on everyone. Well, we'd better go to the Himalayas and check it with our own eyes, huh?!             

                                                         4. Dragon's Triangle

Located in the sea of Japan, exactly on the opposite of its most known 'cousin', the Bermudas Triangle, the Devil Sea really worth its name: there occurs a large number of disappearance of boats, aircrafts etc, which led the Japanese Government to declare it as a "dangerous shipping zone". But why does these things happen? To some, they are just natural events. However, to others, these unfortunate events are strictly linked to the presence of aliens and UFOs. A research team was once sent to this place, with the goal of discovering the real causes of those facts. Unfortunately, this group had the same fate as the others: they disappeared forever. 
So, What do YOU believe in???

                                                               3. Nazca Lines

These gigantic geoglyphs are located in the Peruvian Nazca Desert. The principal question about these figures is: how do those things instantly appeared there? Some theories have been created to explain the origins of those "drawings". Several experts believe they were made by the ancient Inca civilization, which lived on Peru. Others, the more imaginative people, think the lines appeared there as a work of -guess what- Aliens! However, the skeptical ones 
believe the geoglyphs are just a little prank of some farmer and stuff. Surely, this mystery will remain for many years.

                                                                      2. Atlantis

The legendary lost city was first referred to in a Plato's dialogue. This old Greek philosopher said there was once a beautiful island, where its citizens did understand about engineering, so there could be great buildings, temples, palaces etc. But then, in one day and one night, Atlantis was destroyed by some sort of natural disaster, and the great city disappeared for ever. However, people became amazed about the story and began to search for Atlantis at all
possible locations around the Globe, like the China Sea or off the coast of Florida. Therefore, is this story real? Or is it just a myth?

                                                                1. Stonehenge

Stonehenge definitely deserves the first place in our list. How come an apparently simple construction like that intrigue so many scientists and the rest of the world as well? The mysteries around Stonehenge are about its origins. Why was it constructed? By whom? And how do the builders carried those enormous rocks downs there? This great quantity of questions created then a lot of theories to explain Stonehenge, some involving human sacrifices, ancient Sun worshiping and even Aliens. The greatest mystery of all might not be resolved that quickly. Let's keep trying!

quarta-feira, 23 de maio de 2012

Different Types of Music

       There are inumerous forms of art in the world. They can be relative (vary among cultures and societies), or universal (being common in a worldwide scale). But one of the most appreciated art, besides the movies, is certainly the music.
     Music is a great way to put out the anger, joy or sadness of the composer or even of the listener. Through all different music types, the listener also has the chance to concentrate, develop some skills and enjoy life even more. With all these positive points, let's have a look at some types of music here:
  • Rock music: It was created in the 1950s. the majority of the rock bands uses guitar, drums and bass to accompany the vocals. There are some bands which improves the rock sound with other instruments like flutes ans synthesizers. Rock is one of the most known music type, having sub genres like hard rock etc.
                                   Icons of Rock Music: Pink Floyd and Jimi Hendrix
  • Jazz music: It got strong at New Orleans, considered until nowadays the capital of jazz. It has as main instruments the cornet, violin and trumpet. Jazz is and improvised music type, since the performer can always interpret a song the way he/she wants to.
                                        Jazz idols Louis Armstrong and Ray Charles
  • Classical: it's hard to define the classical music. We can say that this type of music, by the meaning of its own name, is something that lasts for a long time. The instruments used in this style are basically the ones we find in an orchestra. Classical music requires a high technical level from the composer and performer. It has been appreciated for centuries, by all social classes.
                         Classical composers Johann Sebastian Bach and Giuseppe Verdi
  • Techno: it emerged in the 1980s. Techno is a kind of EDM, which means Electronic Dance Music, created in Detroit. It's largely influenced by African-American genres such as jazz and funk. The main instrument used by Techno is the synthesizer.
                                  Techno musicians Frankie Bones and Ricardo Villalobos
  • Metal: it's actually called Heavy Metal, and it's a genre of rock music. It emerged after the Second World War, between the 1960s and 1970s. Metal music is usually associated with masculinity. 
                                         Metal bands Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden
  • Hip-Hop: it was "created" in the 1970s, also influenced by African-American music. It's most know by its social and emotive lyrics and its rapping.
                                        Hip Hop idols Tupac Shakur and Snoop Dogg
  • Folk music: as the name reveals, it is a kind of music strongly linked to a culture, being passed over from generations to generations. The lyrics and even the rhythm reflect social, emotional and of course cultural affairs of various classes of people.
                                            The Chad Mitchell Trio and Odetta